My brother’s memorial service was pretty good that night. I woke up at 5am to fetch Cass from bus station – she took bus back from S’pore. No idea why but I was terribly tired that day. So after having breakfast with her and Daddy, I went back to sleep instead. Cass helped out with Mummy in the kitchen then. I end up sleeping till 11am. Call me lazy pig all you want. I went and fetched sis in law around 2pm to come over and helped. Poor Frederick who cried so terribly when his mom left with me. As I browsed through my bro’s pics, I realised some that need to be edited. It’s too blank I feel. It was the time where I suddenly broke down and cried. That’s the time I realise how much I misses him, and how weak I actually am. I cool down myself and continue the editing. Cass took over then because she’s good in photoshop. I’m sucks with it!!
Its 530pm then. Everything almost had done except the fruits and cheese cakes. Sis inlaw cut the cakes and Cass arrange while me kept eating while sis inlaw cut. Lol. I did help to arrange though. We’ve predicted for 100 or more people to come. True enough there were more than that. Anyhow there were still a lot of spaces as we booked 150 pieces of chair. I was freaking out when I fixed the projector and nothing came out. Bath taken, and hair is nicely blew but just because of that few minutes that freaked me out, I sweat-ed like shit. Again I need to bath more than once in less than 45 minutes. I’m in a rush then. Service will start in less than 40 mins and me? With sweaty shirt, smelly body... EeeewWwW~!!!! So quickly I run to upstairs and take a quick shower. Cass & Jolene were in my room chit-chatting plus enjoying the coolness. I haven’t been eating since morning breakfast; just have no appetite that day. No idea why. Roughly I ate some fried meehoon that mummy has fried for the night session.
Service started. As they sang the songs, automatically I can feel my eyes are wet. I have to stop those tears from flowing. I don’t want to make myself look pathetic. Ai Lui came when pastor was preaching. She purposely rushes back for that night’s memorial service and then goes back to Ipoh the next day at 8pm. It’s my Daddy’s turn to say something. Omg omg!! I sobbed so hard but can’t stop myself from crying. So I’m the first to cry. The word that hit straight on me is ‘And Andy loves Joanne very much’. Ok, I almost break down but I controlled. I MUST CONTROLLED!! And I did. Daddy paused halfway and cried so much because he can’t afford to continue. He’s too heartbroken I know. I wanted to continue for him but somehow I was afraid that I will paused myself too. Mummy’s turn then. Mummy was crying too. Service finished then.
The food session. Everything is bro’s favourite food. I tell you, those people were so ‘ganas’. It really scares me and makes me kinda lost my appetite. Anyway I’ll be busy fixing the projector. So can’t be bothered. I entertained Ai Lui as she came alone while Cass was busy serving the food. Luckily she was there to help. Lip Keng (Aaron) came then. It was Daddy who informed me as I was inside the house. We talked a lil’ and I introduced him to Cass. And I operate my laptop and projector. Uncle is pretty impressed with my work but again it wasn’t that hard like everyone think. So that’s the memorial service. Everyone was really tired and I slept till 1pm the next day. Imagine that. O.o
From L to R – Dad, Mum, Frederick on the lap, Gary, CatMySisInLaw, AiLui-my bro’s current gf, Cass-my bro’s ex & me.
Ahh.. I was wearing my brother's tee.
It’s dad giving testimonial... And he sweatz alot. -_-"
Mummy’s turn
The slideshow playing...
Paying full attention at my brother’s pictures
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